Ford 2000
Ford’s vision is ‘to be the world’s leading automotive company’. It is a management declaration of the direction the Company is taking and sends a clear message to customers, competitors, suppliers and shareholders. Ford’s vision doesn’t “mean the biggest; it means the best.” In Ford terms, leadership means ‘product excellence linked to being the best in customer satisfaction, value, cost and profitability’. In order to achieve this vision Ford 2000 set out seven strategies for leadership. These are:
Ford 2000 indicated that manufacturing plants could no longer be managed on a local basis and must become integrated into the new worldwide manufacturing strategy. The goal has been to focus every Ford resource and to use it more effectively to meet customer needs. It represents a different way of thinking allowing the pace of change to accelerate. According to Alex Trotman, the Ford Chairman, Ford 2000 will:
provide economies of scale;
create quantum improvements in processes;
involve investment in Ford people;
lead to worldwide adoption of the best practices at Ford;
provide the shortest possible distance between good ideas and great products.
Having established the vision, Ford needed to communicate the strategic process into the organisation, in such a way that allowed operational divisions to embrace the principles and take ownership for their part in the overall plan. It was important to encourage operating units to develop their own mini-agendas which would fit into and be compatible with the Group’s overall vision. This case study focuses on how Ford Dagenham has adopted the
Ford 2000 ‘Strategies for Leadership’ to create their own strategy – Dagenham 2000 - which has enabled the development of its own plans to be a ‘centre of excellence’, within a world class manufacturer.
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