Aya came home after a while.
「I'm home.~」
「「Sorry for disturbing you.」」
Together with Mai-san and Yurie-san too.
「Come i-「What! This girl!」」
Yurie-san attacked as soon as she found Hilda.
「Kyaa! Cute!
Haa haa......
w-, won't you take a bath together with o-, oneesan?」
She rushed toward Hilda and hugged *rubs rubs* her faster than anyone else.
S, Stupid, I wasn't able to follow her even with my eyes too!?
Hilda is completely scared.
「Yurie! What are you doing!?」
Yurie-san got a chop by Mai-san and collapsed.
「I'm sorry that Yurie caused you trouble.」
「S-, Seiji-samaa!」
Hilda was scared and hid behind me.
「Hilda, though Yurie-san is a bit strange person, it's fine since she's not a bad person.」
「Y-, yes......」
Yurie-san, who had received recovery magic from Elena, immediately became conscious and began to *rubs rubs* to Elena this time.
Elena smiled wryly but, oh well, it would be okay to leave it alone.
「By the way, why have you gathered today?」
「That's because of me.」
Ringo started to talk.
「I've caused various troubles to everyone because of my stalker incident―
the culprit has been caught, I also finished moving and I want to thank everyone properly,
thank you very much, everyone.」
Ringo deeply bowed and said so.
「Especially Seiji-san who got hurt......
Seiji-san is my savior.
I'll do anything you like if I can do it.」
N? Did you say you are going to do anything I want just now?
「Then, take a bath with me!」
Yurie-san who cut in on our serious conversation and said something unnecessary had been chopped by Mai-san again.