Specimens were collected from fish landing ports in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia between 2008 and 2014. A total
of 14 specimens were deposited at the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia (UMT), National Museum of
Marine Biology and Aquarium, Taiwan (NMMBA) and Kagoshima University Museum, Japan (KAUM). Methods
of counting and measuring generally followed Hubbs & Lagler (1964), and terminology of morphological features
and descriptions follow Chao (2001). The procedure of preservation and photograph for specimens are as in Seah et
al. (2011). Gill raker counts are the total number of rakers at upper and lower limbs, including rudimentary rakers on
the first right gill arch. The lateral line scale counts are the number of pored scales excluding those distal to the
posterior end of hypural plates.