consistent with the previous report as the surface roughnessand defect at the interfaces between two materials increased,the interfacial thermal resistance increased as a result of the increase in the interfacial phonon scattering [36]. This suggestedthat the decrease in the surface roughness (nanometer-scale)of SiOCairand SiONC(Ar, N2and NH3)ceramic films coated on AlNsurface lead to the reduction of the interfacial phonon scattering atthe interface between silicone rubber and AlN, and resulted in theFig. 8. increase in the thermal conductivity of the composites. Therefore,it could be implied that the increase in the thermal conductivityof silicone rubber filled the modified AlN might be influenced bythe improvement of filler-matrix interface and the morphology ofSiOCairand SiONC(Ar, N2and NH3)ceramic films on AlN surface.