The book "the love of a king" is a short story based on a true historical event. But it isn't a traditional historical story, and if you read it you will understand why!The story is set after World War one in England. The main character is the king of England, at time, Edward VIII. He became king in 1936, he was perhaps the most popular monarch in British history. But he was also in love with an American woman, Wallis Simpson, who was still married. The government presented Edward with an ultimatum... What did he decide? We know only that he was in love with that woman so much... and if you read it you will discover it!It's a fantastic true story and it is also so intriguing. It's not only the story of king Edward's life, but it is more, it is an incredible love story. This book teach us what a wonderful thing love is and it show us its mysterious power!
The book is a fantastic company during a journey or in your free time. It is very well written and easy to read.
I liked it because I didn't know before about this story and because it made a positive impression on me.