Stage 1: Trough We can identify three characteristics of a trough. First, there will be
evidence of surplus shipping capacity. Ships queue up at loading points and vessels
at sea slow steam to save fuel and delay arrival. Secondly freight rates fall to the
operating cost of the least efficient ships in the fleet which move into lay up. Thirdly,
sustained low freight rates and tight credit create a negative net cashflow which
becomes progressively greater. Shipping companies short of cash are forced to sell
ships at distress prices, since there are few buyers. The price of old ships falls to the
scrap price, leading to active demolition market.
Stage 2: Recovery As supply and demand move towards balance, the first positive
sign of a recovery is positive increase in freight rates above operating costs, followed
by a fall in laid up tonnage. Market sentiment remains uncertain and unpredictable.
Spells of optimism alternate with profound doubts about whether a recovery is really
happening (sometimes the pessimists are right, as shown by the false recovery in periods
7 to 9 in Figure 2.1). As liquidity improves second-hand prices rise and sentiment firms.
Stage 3: Peak/Plateau When all the surplus has been absorbed the market enters
a phase where supply and demand are in tight balance. Freight rates are high, often
two or three times operating costs. The peak may last a few weeks or several years,
depending on the balance of supply/demand pressures. Only untradeable ships are
laid up; the fleet operates at full speed; owners become very liquid; banks are keen to
lend; the press report the prosperous shipping business; there are public flotations of
shipping companies. Secondhand prices move above ‘book value’ and prompt modern
ships may sell for more than the newbuilding price. The shipbuilding orderbook expands,
slowly at first, then more rapidly.
Stage 4: Collapse When supply overtakes demand the market moves into the collapse
phase. Although the downturn is generally caused by fundamental factors such as the
business cycle, the clearing of port congestion and the delivery of vessels ordered at
the top of the market, all of which take time, sentiment can accelerate the collapse into
a few weeks. Spot ships build up in key ports. Freight rates fall, ships reduce operating
speed and the least attractive vessels have to wait for cargo. Liquidity remains high.
Sentiment is confused, changing with each rally in rates.