Operations 1993-1994
The typical process for production of a fibre glass recreational vehicle follows eight stages.
Stage1 (a) Spray-up of gelcoat, the exterior colored shell.
(b) Dry-up ofgelcoatdhell.
(c) Overlay of resin and glass from a chopper- gun spraying a mix that is rolled on to the gelcoat.
(d) Shells popped from molds.
Stage 2 The four shell, two interior, two exterior, are joined, wiring is run between walls.
Stage 3 Windows, doors, vents, other openings installed in shells.
Stage 4 Cabinets installed in unit.
Stage 5 Electrical and plumbing systems installed.
Stage 6 Appliances and interior décor.
Stage 7 Cushions , drapes and jacks installed.
Stage 8 Quality check and storage.
During 1993 Hooper built the campers one at a time. However , it was believed that a more efficient method could be used , possibly with an assembly line technique.