The objective of this thesis is to develop and apply a model to systematically
analyze the impact of recycling in reducing green house gas emissions and estimate the
revenue generated from recycling at a facilities. The analysis is focused on both
environmental and economical performance of a facility. Increasing global importance of
carbon emissions has resulted in numerous studies on estimation of emissions from
various processes. The estimation of emissions from processes like electricity usage, fuel
usage etc. by a random calculation procedure yields almost similar results. The case is not
the same for recycling. Some calculators totally ignore the impact of recycling while
others use odd ball approach to estimate the reduction in emissions from recycling. There
is a great necessity for accurate estimation of emissions not only to understand the impact
on environment but also help an organization to take proper measures to minimize these
emissions. This thesis will address that need.
Initially a model was developed using Microsoft Excel to estimate the waste
generated at a facility. Emissions from waste were calculated using US EPA conversion
factors and revenue was estimated based on recycling market prices. This model was