Russian or Silver Service – In this type of service, the food is pre-arrangedin aplatter with enough servings for one table. The waiter then positionshimselfin a counter clockwise movement at the left side of the guest when dishingoutfood.Russian service is usually done in lieu of plated service when there are plentyof guests to be served and where there are no heaters/food warmers for plateddishes.Serving Procedures:2.1 Kitchen shall prepare and dispatch foods in individual platters orcontainers,insuring that one platter will have sufficient servings for one table usuallygoof for 10 -12 persons.2.2 Waiter shall pick up the platters/serving dish with a side towel on the leftside. Get them from the dispatching counter and bring them to thediningarea using a trolley or oval trays, whichever is appropriate.2.3 To alert the guest of your presence, excuse yourself as you approach thetable to serve and say: “Excuse me sir/madame”