He of getting on soundings, the speed increased, entered has congealed pill stage, he has the rich alchemy experience, can let him one in this bad environment and Elder Dan high under.
Divine Power pill, eats up will increase physical strength, but physical strength regarding most True Qi intrepid Martial Artist, a use does not have, therefore this is pill who a few person uses.
But if in this type cannot use under the True Qi environment, this Divine Power pill is useful.
Looks in pill furnace that grain of ash-gray Dan pellet, Chen Xiang waves to pat one to crawl to pill furnace nearby person, in alchemy, the illusion has not appeared again.
Chen Xiang has not eaten up Divine Power pill, but has attempted, looks to open that black box, no matter but he uses the big strength, is hard to open, after he eats up Divine Power pill, strength increased suddenly, making him open the black box very with ease.
„Also god pill refines the difficulty is not too big, if in the normal environment, you should be able to deal with ease, but now”
Chen Xiang interrupts the Su Meiyao words, said: „Elder Dan has said that the final result looks at the nine orifices Quenching Body pill's quality, if I start to refine nine orifices Quenching Body pill now, I can jump over also god pill.”
„Words are good, but nine orifices Quenching Body pill's herbs only then, once is defeated, you lost, if you refine also god pill first, eats up also god pill, can refine nine orifices Quenching Body pill with ease.” Su Meiyao said.
„But I maintain a fire in Zhu flame not to be many, the refinement god pill's words, perhaps the flame is insufficient.” Chen Xiang said that maintains a fire the flame that in Zhu deposits to be limited, he refined Divine Power pill to be defeated one time, therefore consumed many.
Nine orifices Quenching Body pill is Chen Xiang as well as has refined successfully, moreover can build up the peak quality to come, therefore he has the confidence to be able one time to succeed!