Strategy Overview
Most content that students learn has or fits into a “structure”—an organizational
pattern or framework that acts as a set of orderly slots for
specific pieces of information. When students have a solid understanding
of structure—when they know how fairy tales are designed
around a beginning, middle, and end, when they understand how the
three branches of government interrelate or how protons, neutrons,
and electrons make up atoms—they are not only showing “big picture”
comprehension; they are ready to learn more. Pattern Maker (a.k.a.
Extrapolation) is a strategy designed to help students “see” the patterns
and structures behind texts and ideas. Students arrive at this bigpicture
understanding through the process of extrapolation; that is,
· Closely examine known or easily understood sources.
· Extract the key structural elements from these sources.
· Put their newfound structural comprehension to work by using it to
better understand a new source, create a product of their own, or make
improvements to an everyday object.