For photosynthesis, biomass,
total soluble proteins and pigments, and phenolics multivariate
ANOVA were used, followed by Tukey’s multiple range
The data from the first VOC collection time were not analyzed
statistically because the VOC emission of cv Parano
was extraordinarily low. Effects of cultivar, temperature and
limonene were tested with GLM when the distribution of a
compound was possible to normalize with log x + 1 transformation.
The effect of cultivarwas tested with Mann–Whitney
test and effect of treatment with Kruskall–Wallis test with
the rest of the compounds. The data from leaf extractions
was first transformed with arcsin function and then tested
with ANOVA. Differences between treatments were tested
with Tukey or Dunnett T3 test (equality of variances assumed
or not assumed, respectively). The effects of cultivar in the
root extractions data were tested with non-parametric test
(Mann–WhitneyU). The effects of temperature and limonene
were tested with GLM when the distribution of a compound
was possible to normalize with log x + 1 transformation, the
rest of the compounds were tested with Mann–Whitney U.
Differences were considered significant at P≤0.05.
For photosynthesis, biomass,total soluble proteins and pigments, and phenolics multivariateANOVA were used, followed by Tukey’s multiple rangetests.The data from the first VOC collection time were not analyzedstatistically because the VOC emission of cv Paranowas extraordinarily low. Effects of cultivar, temperature andlimonene were tested with GLM when the distribution of acompound was possible to normalize with log x + 1 transformation.The effect of cultivarwas tested with Mann–Whitneytest and effect of treatment with Kruskall–Wallis test withthe rest of the compounds. The data from leaf extractionswas first transformed with arcsin function and then testedwith ANOVA. Differences between treatments were testedwith Tukey or Dunnett T3 test (equality of variances assumedor not assumed, respectively). The effects of cultivar in theroot extractions data were tested with non-parametric test(Mann–WhitneyU). The effects of temperature and limonenewere tested with GLM when the distribution of a compoundwas possible to normalize with log x + 1 transformation, therest of the compounds were tested with Mann–Whitney U.Differences were considered significant at P≤0.05.
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