In this contribution we argued that current standards compliant RFID infrastructures,
technologies for event correlation, and XML based business document standards enable
service oriented logistics monitoring applications that require less integration
efforts than existing tracking solutions. This is reflected by our investigation on mechanisms
that build upon the EPCglobal Framework to automatically integrate and use
distributed RFID based event data for the monitoring of transportation processes. We
have introduced a set of requirements a monitoring system needs to implement. Considering
these, we presented a conceptual design of an architecture addressing these
requirements and proposed mechanisms that integrate and correlate event data to perform
the monitoring of transportation processes regarding to specific SLOs. The
events stored in EPCIS Repositories cover exactly the information needed to evaluate
the compliance of a given transportation process to specified SLOs. The monitoring
system integrates this data by processing its structure as well as accessing and implementing
the interfaces which are specified in the EPCIS Specification. Due to that, the
system complements the vision of EPCglobal by using the given infrastructure to
derive business relevant information and putting cross-company separated event data
in a new context.