Patients with hemiplegia caused by a brain injury experience
considerable difficulty with gait due to abnormal muscle
contraction timing, the weakening of muscle tension, and
unstable standing balance maintenance17)
. Among exercise
treatment methods to complement such functional problems,
a facilitation method can activate the mechanism of neuroplasticity,
and; it was proven as a treatment intervention
through diverse research. Westerholt18)
noted facilitation
occurred when pressure was applied against the direction
of muscle contraction and when stimulation was applied to
the skin and pressure sensations. Horst19)
observed that an
improvement in independent activities of daily living is the
most important goal of treatment and to achieve this goal,
all usable information should be mobilized in combination,
as well as visual and auditory information. Dietz20)
that appropriate resistance with a gross muscle exercise of
three-dimensional motions by a PNF pattern combination
strengthened static and dynamic contractions. Based on such
research, given that a PNF pattern aimed at inducing positive
movements in hemiplegic patients will provide them