In a pot, begin cooking 3 strips of bacon that have been chopped up. You don't need to make the bacon very crispy, just cook it through. After, add the milk of your choice (we are using almond milk). Around 1 cup or 300 mL. Then add the noodles from the instant ramen package and let boil. The noodles will break apart and can be mixed with the milk mixture. Once it begins to boil, you want to add 1/2 the package of the ramen soup base that comes with the instant ramen. Continue cooking along the guidelines of the instructions for the instant ramen package, around 4 minutes in our case. When the noodles are done, turn the heat off and add 1 egg, just as you would in carbonara. Mix together thoroughly. Add desired amount of parmesan cheese and mix again. Finish with parsley for color. Plate and enjoy!