Task Force progress / Board discussions to date
IAESB Meetings:
June 2012: The IAESB reviewed a revised draft of IES 1 and discussed task force’s proposals on content issues relating to the revised draft. The IAESB agreed with the task force’s proposal on the clarifications made to the Objective and Explanatory Material sections on the public interest aspect of IES 1. After a page-by-page review of the revised draft the IAESB approved the content of the final version of IES 1 with an effective date of July 1, 2014. In addition the IAESB voted not to re-expose the revised version of the exposed IES 1, Entry Requirements to Professional Accounting Education Programs. The IAESB also voted to approve the removal of the extant IES 1 on July 1, 2014.
March 2012: The IAESB reviewed a revised draft of IES 1 and discussed task force’s proposals on content issues relating to the revised draft. The IAESB agreed with the task force’s proposal on clarifying the distinction between entry requirements for a program of professional accounting education and entry into the accounting profession. The IAESB requested further clarification in the Objective and Explanatory Material sections on how IES 1 links with the public interest. In addition IAESB members suggested minor editorial amendments to the revised draft. As a result the IAESB instructed the task force to consult with the CAG on these issues and then to develop a revised draft that included the suggestions of the IAESB and CAG.