Lesson Overview
The students chose someone to read a biography on. They were given several requirements to research while reading. After getting information from the books, they then went on the Internet (Worldbookonline) to find more details and research. The students will be taking the information they find and inputting it into Blabberize or Zoo Burst to present their work. The students will be learning how to become Information Literate by being able to locate appropriate information, making sure the information is credible, making sure that the students can cite their sources, and present the information.
21st Century Skill
Information Literacy – Students will become information literate within text and internet. They will be able to know where to go for relevant information, making sure the information is credible, being able to cite the source and present the information accurately.
Teacher & Content Area
Farah Joy, Elementary
Learning Standard
Students can identify the information needed; students will have the knowledge of various resources along with checking for credibility and relevance; present the information accurately and efficiently.