ITA program: The ITA program is designed to assure that international teaching assistants and assistant instructors can meet the linguistic demands required of them. As part of the ITA program, ESL Services supervises initial oral screening, conducts an ITA workshop, and provides courses for those who conditionally pass or fail the assessment.
Graduate-level courses: The graduate-level courses we offer include intermediate and advanced oral communication and academic writing. The students in these courses are typically fulfilling graduate school or departmental requirements; others self-select into our services.
Academic English Program (AEP): This program is designed for students planning to enter a Master's or Ph.D. program at The University of Texas or another US university. AEP specifically prepares students for graduate study.
English Language Program (ELP): The program serves undergraduates, visiting scholars, businesspeople, and family members of UT faculty and students. Course content focuses on communication for study and daily life.