Why in our University to use gem car ? Gem car is a vehicle powered by electric motor. Thus, We receive information from the experts. Why the rush to get this car? Using the system and what? What kind is take energy? Which we have such information, and summary. As follows Using the power stored in the battery replace fuel instead of oil. Maximum power battery that can supply power is 72 V and it take to fully charge 8-9 hour ,nevertheless, the gem car have battery 2 sets. Battery water made from lead can run around 8 cycles and if straight line run 12 cycles . From battery connected in series 6V 12 Unit has 225 Ah, the time is used to charge total by equation. The motor is the large motor 6.3 kW.
Motor>Clutch>Gear>shaft>Drive wheels is the device that consumes of the electric energy during normal operation and the most consumes energy is Motor.