Converging evidence indicates that the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) is implicated in working-memory (WM) functioning and that WM is trainable. We review recent work suggesting that DA iscritically involved in the ability to benefit from WM interventions. Functional MRI studies reveal increasedstriatal BOLD activity following certain forms of WM interventions, such as updating training. Increasedstriatal BOLD activity has also been linked to transfer of learning to non-trained WM tasks, suggesting aneural signature of transfer. The striatal BOLD signal is partly determined by DA activity. Consistent withthis assertion, PET research demonstrates increased striatal DA release during updating of information inWM after training. Genetic studies indicate larger increases in WM performance post training for thosewho carry advantageous alleles of DA-relevant genes. These patterns of results corroborate the role ofDA in WM improvement. Future research avenues include: (a) neuromodulatory correlates of transfer;(b) the potential of WM training to enhance DA release in older adults; (c) comparisons among differentWM processes (i.e., updating, switching, inhibition) regarding regional patterns of training-related DArelease; and (d) gene–gene interactions in relation to training-related WM gains.