“All your questions are attempting to harm my reputation, I will refrain from answering them.” said Duan Tian Lang coldly. He didn’t care, what could Lin Feng do anyway?
“You have the right not to care but I want to ask you something, has General Liu Cang Lan committed any crime?”
Duan Tian Lang was furious and really wanted to kill Lin Feng, as far as Liu Cang Lan, everybody knew about him, nothing could be kept secret.
“Liu Cang Lan sowed disorder amongst the troops, making us lose a battle against Mo Yue, leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of troops and he didn’t protect the princess who was kidnapped, are all these crimes enough for him to be sentenced to death?!”
“This is your version of events, the person who committed all of these crimes was it not actually you?” said Lin Feng while smiling indifferently. Immediately after, he pointed at Duan Wu Ya and said: “The second prince is here as a witness, I hope that you would not dare to lie in the face of our second prince.”
“It was me.” admitted Duan Tian Lang as he forced the words from his mouth.
“Hehe, how shameless, what a shameless dog, but on the other hand, I am not surprised.” said Lin Feng while smiling. His tone was humiliating Duan Tian Lang.
“I just want to ask, you, Duan Tian Lang, you say that the princess was kidnapped, where was she kidnapped exactly? Was she in one of Liu Cang Lan’s tents at that moment or was she in one of your tents?”
Lin Feng smiled and said: “The princess is here before us, I hope that you would not be planning to tell any lies.”
Duan Tian Lang was blankly staring at Lin Feng. His mouth was about to move but then Duan Wu Ya spoke: “Uncle, for the sake of justice, please reply to Lin Feng’s questions. I will be fair.”
The situation was awkward for Duan Tian Lang, he said in a low voice: “She was in one of the tents from my campsite.”
When the crowd heard Duan Tian Lang, they burst into an uproar, surprisingly, it really was exactly as Lin Feng was explaining.
“Since those are the facts, there is something that I don’t really understand, if the princess was kidnapped in one of your tents, why would Liu Cang Lan have to bear the responsibility for it? How has he committed a crime? Besides, you still have the face to order Liu Cang Lan’s execution. I would like to hear your explanation.” Lin Feng was speaking extremely loudly so that everybody could clearly hear what he was saying.
“Please explain.” Shouted all of the Chi Xie soldiers who were encircling the Death Sentence Stage. Duan Tian Lang’s facial expression was utterly hideous.
At that moment, if Lin Feng and Duan Xin Ye hadn’t returned, Liu Cang Lan would have already been executed. The entire situation had changed.
“Liu Cang Lan is a general, he didn’t properly ensure the security of the campsite giving the Mo Yue troops an opportunity to kidnap the princess, of course that it is a crime.” said Duan Tian Lang trying to pass the blame again, but obviously, his argument couldn’t persuade anyone in the crowd any longer.
“So that’s the reason.” said Lin Feng while smiling. “Well, I was there too, and at the moment when I tried to chase the kidnappers, your troops obstructed my path and said that I plotted against the princess. You were the one who always wanted me dead, immediately after the princess was kidnapped, you were already there to execute me, but did not see the kidnappers, how did you manage to do that?”
When Lin Feng said that, everybody looked at Duan Tian Lang expecting a prompt answer.