I'm always just amazed at Christians that don't give a shit about tragic news, all they care for is joyous and happy news. They only care to hear about happy stories of what God is always doing. They shunned away people who are going through tragic times, but always hang around with others who are fun and outgoing. What's wrong here? Do you even know Jesus was given the title known as the "Man of Sorrows" in Isaiah 53:3? Do you think Jesus was happily going around laughing, telling jokes and such? No. All he cared for was reaching out to the people, extending his hands, showing compassion and love to the people around and guiding them back to God. Jesus don't go around hanging with happy people, Jesus hangs around most of his time with the broken, despised, hurting, sorrowful, repentful, and sinful people! But no, I have seen so many people can't give a crap about hurting people. I just don't understand why. Of all their years going to Church and listening to sermons and such, why aren't their hearts sensitive to the broken when they could easily sing worships songs of wanting to be broken, hearing sermons of being there for someone and so on. It's so frustrating!
There's 2 types of Christians here. Christians like me who go through shit in life but still trying my best to love God, and Christians who don't go through real shit in life and love God. That's the real difference. Anyone can say God is good when life seems normal and fine. Trust me, I have been there and done that before. When shit happened to me, I struggled every single moment to just coming back to God. It's really really tough. But anyway, it all boils down to my fault. I'm always the only that's causing disunity among people and making people irritated.