the two land typologies was significantly different with the confidence level values above 99.65 %. It means
that the performance of wet land oil palm plantation which still in the young tree period was better than that of
dry land oil palm plantation which is older than that.
Another important thing revealed from the research was the average monthly income of farm households
with 2 hectares at the value of between Rp 1,862,536,25 – Rp 2,359,03. Oil palm plantation in South Sumatra
was among the highest income of smallholder agribusiness in this country. That is way this business is
exciting for the farmers and rapidly increasing all over the country. However, the farmers should pay
attentiom seriuously to the current international issues raised by environmentalists about forest, land water,
and wildlife degradation caused by planting the oil palm trees on wet land areas without considering the
sustainability of those natural resources. Intensive extention dan guidance also sould be given by
government and other institutions to help farmers practicing proper oil palm cultivations which do not destroy
the environment.