Targeted Malicious Code
Viruses are generally anonymous code written to affect any user and machine they can reach
Targeted Malicious Code is written for a particular system, application and purpose
Many virus writer’s techniques apply, but there are also some new ones
Additional Techniques Used in Targeted Malicious Code
• An Undocumented entry point to a module
Salami Attack
• Accumulation of nearly undetectable quantities of something (usually money) from rounding of numbers
Covert Channel
• Allows unnoticed information to travel through normal communication channels
• Mechanism for “leaking” information
• Interferes with normal interaction between user and operating system. Hides itself
• Famous example: Sony XCP
Keystroke Logging
• Captures your keystrokes, then plays them back later, e.g. to access your bank account
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
• To be discussed further in Chapter 6