Turn Three: PRICE
This turn begins with feedback from market research using customers from the target demographic.
Now it’s time to set a price for the pack. Different distribution channels have price limits for what they
carry. Once set, the sales manager appears to begin to explain distribution. Only direct sales occur in
Turn Three. Before ending turn, you may wish to tweak your backpack features based on the market
research feedback.
Here you will review your first sales results. Unless you priced your pack below cost, you should have
made a profit last turn, as additional expenses have not yet been introduced. The panel associated with
the Head Office is filled with useful information. Click through each tab to explore quarterly and yearly
figures, market trends, their position, alerts to actions taken by your competitors, and events (this will
be empty if the option for events was not activated by your instructor). Once the review is complete,
you are introduced to your competitors, whether computer-controlled or fellow students. The balance
of the turn is spent reviewing what’s been learned to this point, including their competitors and their
chosen demographic.
Here you are introduced to a variety of distribution channels, each with its own terms that you must
accept if you wish to sell through that channel. This is a chance to explore pricing and how it limits
certain channels. Would lowering or raising the price of the backpack open up new channels and what
risks do such changes pose?
In this final turn of the tutorial, you get the opportunity to select a positioning message and choose the
type and frequency of advertising. It is a chance to see how well the various elements of your marketing
strategy work. Does your design of the backpack support the desires of the target demographic? Are
other players targeting the same demographic, thus reducing market share? Does the pricing offer the
best chance for profit? Are your advertising choices reaching the target demographic and offering a
significant return on the investment?
Turn Seven and beyond: REVIEW RESULTS and CONTINUED PLAY
The turn shows the results of last turn’s advertising choices. From here, the manager avatars will still
pop up to offer guidance (for example, to remind you to review awareness or create discounts with your
distributors), but from this point forward all elements of the game are playable.
Turn Three: PRICE This turn begins with feedback from market research using customers from the target demographic. Now it’s time to set a price for the pack. Different distribution channels have price limits for what they carry. Once set, the sales manager appears to begin to explain distribution. Only direct sales occur in Turn Three. Before ending turn, you may wish to tweak your backpack features based on the market research feedback. Turn Four: SALES and COMPETING PRODUCTS Here you will review your first sales results. Unless you priced your pack below cost, you should have made a profit last turn, as additional expenses have not yet been introduced. The panel associated with the Head Office is filled with useful information. Click through each tab to explore quarterly and yearly figures, market trends, their position, alerts to actions taken by your competitors, and events (this will be empty if the option for events was not activated by your instructor). Once the review is complete, you are introduced to your competitors, whether computer-controlled or fellow students. The balance of the turn is spent reviewing what’s been learned to this point, including their competitors and their chosen demographic. Turn Five: DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Here you are introduced to a variety of distribution channels, each with its own terms that you must accept if you wish to sell through that channel. This is a chance to explore pricing and how it limits certain channels. Would lowering or raising the price of the backpack open up new channels and what
risks do such changes pose?
In this final turn of the tutorial, you get the opportunity to select a positioning message and choose the
type and frequency of advertising. It is a chance to see how well the various elements of your marketing
strategy work. Does your design of the backpack support the desires of the target demographic? Are
other players targeting the same demographic, thus reducing market share? Does the pricing offer the
best chance for profit? Are your advertising choices reaching the target demographic and offering a
significant return on the investment?
Turn Seven and beyond: REVIEW RESULTS and CONTINUED PLAY
The turn shows the results of last turn’s advertising choices. From here, the manager avatars will still
pop up to offer guidance (for example, to remind you to review awareness or create discounts with your
distributors), but from this point forward all elements of the game are playable.
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