Certified standard samples (rice)were purchased fromNational
Standard Center of China (Beijing, China). Two rice samples of
Fig. 1.Schematic diagram of single drop microextraction (SDME) system.
different cadmium concentrations were selected to validate the
accuracy of the proposed method. Closed-vessel microwave diges-tionwaschosenfordecomposing thericesamplesandthedigestion
procedure was based on a reference method for corn[21]. River
water and lake water were gotten from Xier River and Erhai Lake
(Dali, China). All the realwater samplesabovewerefilteredthrough
a 0.25mmicropore member and acidified topHabout 5.0prior to
use. The resultant samples were then subjected to SDME and sub-sequently analyzed by UV–vis spectrophotometry. For real water
samples, ICP-MS was used for the determination to compare w