metabolic control (glycated hemoglobin [HbA1c]) that is
associated with smoking14,17 and drinking18 among youth
with T1D.
The primary aim of the present study was to characterize
youth with T2D reporting ever at least trying smoking cigarettes
and/or drinking alcohol during a 2-year period. The
youth were enrolled in Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes
in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY), a multicenter,
randomized clinical trial.2 The secondary aim was to test
possible correlates of health risk behaviors. Hypotheses
were that ever at least trying health risk behaviors would be
related to older age, male sex, non-Hispanic white race/
ethnicity, lower SES, lower grades, more depressive symptoms
and stressful life events, less perceived neighborhood
safety, and greater BMI and HbA1c. Depressive symptoms
and stressful life events were expected to predict both health
risk behaviors across time, and greater BMI Z-scores were expected
to be related to a greater likelihood of trying smoking.
metabolic control (glycated hemoglobin [HbA1c]) that is
associated with smoking14,17 and drinking18 among youth
with T1D.
The primary aim of the present study was to characterize
youth with T2D reporting ever at least trying smoking cigarettes
and/or drinking alcohol during a 2-year period. The
youth were enrolled in Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes
in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY), a multicenter,
randomized clinical trial.2 The secondary aim was to test
possible correlates of health risk behaviors. Hypotheses
were that ever at least trying health risk behaviors would be
related to older age, male sex, non-Hispanic white race/
ethnicity, lower SES, lower grades, more depressive symptoms
and stressful life events, less perceived neighborhood
safety, and greater BMI and HbA1c. Depressive symptoms
and stressful life events were expected to predict both health
risk behaviors across time, and greater BMI Z-scores were expected
to be related to a greater likelihood of trying smoking.
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