In week 5, I watch the video about the lead tours of many group. I think it make this video it interesting but some video it don’t interesting because it don’t have the music, can’t remember the dialogue, the video it a against the light, etc. Some group make it very good.
The problem in the video, it many problem in the video but I will talk about “How to taking the video don’t have the light and the sound in the other group”. Some group can take the video it good. It a no problem but some group can’t take the perfect. The perfect is you can take the video have a bright light sufficient, The picture it a clear, The sound it a clear, etc. Some group can’t take the video not clear because they don’t look the place at it have the bright light and the sound. Some group has the sound but the picture it a dark. Some group has the picture is clear but the sound I can’t hear it. So, I will tell you about taking the video the clear in as it maybe I understand.
When you take the video, you want to zoom the picture. You should to the focus the picture after you will take the video. Sometime your video it has against the light because the light is not enough when you take the video. You should seek the place have the light. You experience transfer the video after you transfer the real video. When you take the video, it don’t have the voice. You can use the little microphone or you at seek the place it the quiet. You read this blog you can bring to the next video or use it at the next project. I hope you can use it in the future.
The video that is present is nearly perfect , but it has some problems like against the light cause of the light is not enough, the focusing is not clear, we can not hear the voice clearly and I present how to fix the problem that is above. Like we can fix the against light problem by finding the place that has light enough.
This the video it make we are know about to the tourist attraction in