Task Inventory
Indeed, a task inventory lists all discrete activities which create a certain job or certain company.
12. Job element method
This style is somehow similar to the method of critical incident technique. The method concentrates on behaviors during working and such consequences that the behaviors bring about more than look at abstract characteristics. This method was developed by Ernest Primoff.
13. Diary method
The method of diary is considered to be a very useful tool to analyze jobs. In this method, jobs are assessed thanks to workers’ daily records or their lists of activities that they practice day by day…
14. Checklists and rating scales
In this method, jobs are analyzed by using a list keeping track of such job elements. Many questions can be raised, such as working purposes, key roles and responsibilities, organization; relationships; decision making; authority; Skills, knowledge, experience; working conditions.
15. Competency profiling
This form of job analysis is an activity that determines certain capacities which are characteristics of high levels of performance in a certain job. It includes skills, knowledge, capacities, values, interests, personalities.