Purpose: To test a hypothesized model that examines the relationship betweenselectedbasicconditioningfactors,self-careagency,andself-carebehaviors among adolescent girls with dysmenorrhea using Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory as a framework. Design: This was a predictive correlational study conducted with a total of 531 secondary school girls. Methods: Self-care agency, self-care behaviors, and 11 variables that have been theoretically or empirically justified in previous studies as relevant to basic conditioning factors were selected and collected by means of structured questionnaires.Pathanalyseswereperformedtotestthehypothesizedlinkages among variables. Findings: Path analysis revealed that age and received menstrual education had both direct and indirect effects through self-care agency on self-care behaviors. Mother’s and father’s educational level, pain intensity, and selfmedication used when experiencing dysmenorrhea only affected the self-care behaviors directly. Conclusions: This is the first study that provided information about the relationship between basic conditioning factors, self-care agency, and self-care behaviors among adolescent girls with dysmenorrhea. Knowledge of the factors influencing self-care behaviors in these adolescent girls will assist healthcare professionals in developing effective interventions to promote self-care and ameliorate the adverse impact of this condition.