This is Christy from Etsy's Marketplace Integrity Team. Thank you for your interest in selling on Etsy.
Etsy is a marketplace specifically for items that are handmade by the seller, are Crafting Supplies, or are Vintage. Items listed as Vintage on Etsy must be at least 20 years old.
Some of the items listed in your shop don't appear to meet the Vintage qualification. We've suspended your account, and we'd like to work with you make sure your listings meet our policies.
Your listings are currently inactive and can be found here:
Please go through your shop and remove any item that doesn’t qualify for the Vintage category.
Once you do this, let us know. We’ll review your listings, and if they qualify for Etsy, we’ll reactivate them and restore your shop.
While you’re working this out, we ask that you please don’t open any new Etsy accounts.