Sugarcane is a large perennial grass cultivated mainly for
sugar in more than 100 countries located between 35N and
35S of the equator. Till early part of 1900, Saccharum
officinarum, the noble cane was under cultivation in almost
all the countries. This species has the genes for very
important traits like high sucrose content, high juice purity,
thick canes, low fibre content, early maturity, self-stripping/detrashing
and high tonnage (Daniels and Roach
1987). But susceptibility to major pest and diseases and
poor ratooning prompted plant breeders to hybridize it with
its wild relative, Saccharum spontaneum. Interspecific
hybrids between S. officinarum and S. spontaneum were
repeatedly backcrossed to S. officinarum a process called
nobilization to recover clones with increased sugar and
cane yield. But from latter part of 1930 onwards nobilization
was seldom used and nobilized canes were used as
parents in the genetic improvement. Currently, commercial
varieties and clones in advanced stages are the main
breeding parental stocks for development of sugarcane
varieties. Almost all sugarcane cultivars currently under
cultivation in the world are derived from a few common
ancestral clones and therefore share a limited genetic base
Sugarcane is a large perennial grass cultivated mainly forsugar in more than 100 countries located between 35N and35S of the equator. Till early part of 1900, Saccharumofficinarum, the noble cane was under cultivation in almostall the countries. This species has the genes for veryimportant traits like high sucrose content, high juice purity,thick canes, low fibre content, early maturity, self-stripping/detrashingand high tonnage (Daniels and Roach1987). But susceptibility to major pest and diseases andpoor ratooning prompted plant breeders to hybridize it withits wild relative, Saccharum spontaneum. Interspecifichybrids between S. officinarum and S. spontaneum wererepeatedly backcrossed to S. officinarum a process callednobilization to recover clones with increased sugar andcane yield. But from latter part of 1930 onwards nobilizationwas seldom used and nobilized canes were used asparents in the genetic improvement. Currently, commercialvarieties and clones in advanced stages are the mainbreeding parental stocks for development of sugarcanevarieties. Almost all sugarcane cultivars currently undercultivation in the world are derived from a few commonancestral clones and therefore share a limited genetic base
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