Callus and shoot induction was observed from leaf, node and internode explants of Callus and shoot induction was observed from leaf, node and internode explants of Bacopa monneiri when
grown in MS media amended with varying concentrations of auxin and cytokinin. Concentration at 0.2 mg
and 0.4 mg of 2,4-D showed 20 and 33% of callus formation from leaf explant. In vitro callus was induced
from nodal explants in media amended with napthyl acetic acid (NAA) (0.2 mg) and 6-benzyl amino purine
(BAP) (0.1 mg) wherein the growth response was 33.3%. A 50% callus induction was observed in BAP
(0.1 mg) and Kinetin (KIN) (0.2 mg). Shoot induction was recorded from in vitro generated nodal callus after
10 d. From internodal explants, 33.8 and 50% callus formation was observed in indole acetic acid (IAA)
(0.2 mg), BAP (0.1 mg) and NAA (0.1 mg) and BAP (0.3 mg) respectively. Shoot induction was recorded
from 15-18 d. Regeneration of secondary callus was achieved in NAA (0.3 mg) and BAP (0.1 mg) with a
growth response of more than 50%. Methanol extract of the secondary callus was resolved on TLC in
toluene, ethyl acetate, glacial acetic acid and methanol (3:4:1:3) and bacoside was detected as a pink
coloured spot after spraying with 20% H2S04 in methanol.