Dear Mr Tony Ooi,
I must apologise most sincerely to yourself and to Unimech as company because I now have found myself in a situation which I , personaly feel, prevents me commencing work for you on 1st November 2016.
I also apologise that this is very short notice that I am giving you, and I will now give my reasons as to why I feel I cannot continue.
Within the company that I currently work for, there has been some 'questionable' activity within the accounts department, and a result I now find myself to be the only accounting executive working there.
To this end, please understand that although not directly involved, I do feel that it is my duty to remain in my current position in order to assist the company in this matter, both from a legal and auditing of accounts perspective, and not to walk away into a new position whilst this is ongoing.
I do hope that you can understand my situation and I, once again apologise for letting Unimech down.
Yours sincerely
Rattana Mass (Ms)