Millennials (or the internet generation) have become extremely cynical towards brand efforts in social media. Brands have invaded their perceived ‘personal space’ and where they were once somewhat conversational and interesting on social media, the simple mass of brands in the space means that the quality has declined and Millennials no longer have time for branded content that lacks credibility.
So while the brand's competitors rely on expensive apps and ‘social sharing’ (that is really just spamming), Chupa Chups builds its credibility and a committed fanbase by creating great content that taps into topical events and occasions and gives them a less serious twist, which millennials can identify with and earn social currency for themselves by sharing at will, not because of a competition mechanic.
The key to a great April Fool’s Day prank is that it must seem plausible, and that the reveal must have a positive pay-off for the audience.
To achieve this, it kept the initial launch assets simple, and had to have a comprehensive engagement strategy that would create intrigue but not annoy the cynical millennial audience when it took responsibility for the prank.