2. Puparn Royal Development Study Centre, Muang District, Sakon Nakhon Province
On November 25, 1982, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej granted an audience to M.C.
Chakrabhandphensiri Chakrabhand,
the Privy Councilor and the Director-General of the government
agencies concerned at the Department of Royal
Guards, Chitralada Villa. On this occasion, His
Majesty the King gave initiatives to the government
agencies concerned to consider setting up the
Puparn Royal Development Study Centre. Then on
November 27, 1983, His Majesty visited the site
where the Puparn Royal Development Study Centre
would be located in an area of Baan Na Nok Khao,
Muang District, Sakon Nakhon Province. Upon
that occasion, His Majesty kindly granted guidelines for the operation of the Centre as quoted:
“...The authority of the Puparn Royal Development Study Centre should cover the
development of forests in the watershed areas of Huai Tad Hai Yai and Phu Mai Ruak Reservoir.
These areas are to be considered forest development areas in the
perimeter of the centre, comprising an area of approximately
7,500 rai. A forest village should be set up at the watershed area
of Huai Tad Hai Yai, along the Kalasin-Sakon Nakhon Road,
consisting of about ten households, each of which is allotted
approximately 100 rai of land for the officials to develop the
forests in the said area...”
As a result of the initiative and given guidelines, the Puparn Royal Development Study
Centre started its operation in 1984 with an objective to conduct studies and experiments on
various fields of agricultural development to be models for the people to apply.