Eden: You know, Harris, I bend over backwards with that guy. I'm just as nice as I can possibly be. I
never go near him unless it's absolutely necessary. I leave him completely free for the program
and screen out all of the little detailed matters. But he's so damn suspicious of everything you do.
Why, one day in Allentown the boss asked me to check on the name of a programmer. The
Concord crowd owed us some instruction time under the terms of the contract and since the
fellow in question was familiar with our machine, the boss felt we might collect the time by
sending some work up there. All I did was to ask AI for his name, nothing more, and darned if he
didn't think we were going behind his back and trying to hire someone to take his place. After he
blew up and learned the whole story he changed his tune to the effect that he wasn't being
consulted on such matters as he should be.