This paper has presented improvements in the implementation
of a particle filter SLAM methodology in hardware in order to
overcome particle filter low speed problems. The performance
of the particle filter applied to SLAM has been analyzed using
different kinds of laser scanners including a low cost Neato XV-
11 laser scanner. The performance evaluation of the system on low
cost and standard laser scanners shows the goodness of the method
in front of the very low cost alternative laser scanner. The results
achieved with the application of the presented system on such
low cost laser scanner have demonstrated a good performance
in the estimation and confirm the potential use of such low cost
laser range finder. In addition, the paper also presents results of
the application of the particle filter SLAM HW/SW system with
data provided by other usual standard laser scanners that helps to
corroborate the good behavior of using particle filter SLAM with
low cost laser scanners in low cost robotics applications. As a future
work, the parallelization of the particle filter computations and its
application to real time robotic system with the use of low cost
laser scanner is expected.