It has long been accepted that excessive alcohol use can cause structural and functional abnormalities of the brain and other organs (Courville, 1955; Victor et al., 1959; Dreyfus and Victor, 1961). In the brain, this has been demonstrated clinically,withimagingtechniquesandpathologically.Manyalcoholics can also develop cirrhosis of the liver that can impact on brainstructureandfunctionandothersdevelopnutritionaldeficiencystates(vitaminB1deficiency)thatcancauseseverebrain damage and dysfunction. These latter two groups of alcoholic casesareoftendefinedas‘complicatedalcoholics’todifferentiatethemfromthosewhodonothaveliverdiseaseornutritional deficiency states (uncomplicated alcoholics). Nevertheless, ‘uncomplicated alcoholics’ who are cognitively impaired have abnormalities (Pfefferbaum et al., 1997).