Avoid cross-contamination by keeping fresh greens, fruits, and vegetables away from uncooked meats.
Wash your hands before preparing meals and handling produce.
Choose fruits and vegetables that appear healthy and ripe. Avoid bruised, moldy, and mushy produce.
Purchase fruits and vegetables that are in season to guarantee high quality. Also, try to purchase produce the day it is delivered to the grocery store to ensure that you are purchasing the freshest foods.
Wash all pre-packaged fruits and vegetables, even if the label claims they are pre-washed.
Wash all fresh produce thoroughly under a stream of water or by using the spray nozzle of your faucet to reduce dirt and bacteria. Rub the produce with your hands, or scrub with a vegetable brush, to remove potential bacteria. No soap or special solutions are necessary; plain, cool water is the best agent.
Wash all parts of fruits and vegetables, even if you do not plan on eating them. Bacteria can live on the rind of fruits and vegetables. Even though you peel and toss the outer portion into the trash, the bacteria can be transferred from the rind of the fruit or vegetable to the knife being used to cut them, and then onto the parts you will be eating.
If you are concerned about pesticides, choose produce wisely.