2.3 Consent and notification
The ICC/ESOMAR Code states that research participants’ co-operation must be based on adequate
information about the purpose and nature of the research and their agreement to participate obtained. In
some countries, existing data protection laws may also require participants be informed when personal data
are to be collected.
Therefore, researchers must always obtain informed consent from each research participant before
collecting and processing any form of personal data and be completely transparent about the information
they plan to collect, the purpose for which it will be collected, how it will be protected, with whom it might be
shared and in what form. The information should be clear, concise and prominent. Participants must never
be misled, lied to or tricked. Participation in research is always voluntary and participants must be allowed
to withdraw at any time.
If at any time during the research there are material changes in the research plan (for example, additional
passive data collection such as location or identifiable data shared with research user clients) participants
must be informed prior to implementation so that they can make in informed choice about whether to
continue in the research. When research involves multiple waves of data collection or extends for several
months or longer researchers, should periodically refresh consent by reminding participants of the data
being collected, the reasons for collecting it and the intended use.
As with other forms of data collection for research purposes, researchers must inform mobile research
participants of their privacy policy, explaining how any personal data they collect are handled. The
standard elements in the privacy policy should include:
• Identification of the company doing the research, its place of business and other contact information;
• a guarantee of confidentiality;
• a promise to not mislead about the nature of the research or its intended use;
• a reminder that all research is voluntary and participants may withdraw at any time as well as ask
that their personal data be deleted or corrected;
2.3 Consent and notificationThe ICC/ESOMAR Code states that research participants’ co-operation must be based on adequateinformation about the purpose and nature of the research and their agreement to participate obtained. Insome countries, existing data protection laws may also require participants be informed when personal dataare to be collected.Therefore, researchers must always obtain informed consent from each research participant beforecollecting and processing any form of personal data and be completely transparent about the informationthey plan to collect, the purpose for which it will be collected, how it will be protected, with whom it might beshared and in what form. The information should be clear, concise and prominent. Participants must neverbe misled, lied to or tricked. Participation in research is always voluntary and participants must be allowedto withdraw at any time.If at any time during the research there are material changes in the research plan (for example, additionalpassive data collection such as location or identifiable data shared with research user clients) participantsmust be informed prior to implementation so that they can make in informed choice about whether tocontinue in the research. When research involves multiple waves of data collection or extends for severalmonths or longer researchers, should periodically refresh consent by reminding participants of the databeing collected, the reasons for collecting it and the intended use.As with other forms of data collection for research purposes, researchers must inform mobile researchparticipants of their privacy policy, explaining how any personal data they collect are handled. Thestandard elements in the privacy policy should include:• Identification of the company doing the research, its place of business and other contact information;• a guarantee of confidentiality;• a promise to not mislead about the nature of the research or its intended use;• a reminder that all research is voluntary and participants may withdraw at any time as well as askthat their personal data be deleted or corrected;
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