Patient Population In this study, from January 2013 to February 2015, data on 218 pregnant women who were exposed to ionizing radiation were investigated retrospectively. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the institution in which the research was conducted. Because some of the patients had undergone more than one diagnostic procedure, the total number of examinations was 304 in 218 pregnant women: 162 women had undergone medical examinations only once, 37 of them twice, 13 of them three times, 3 of them four times, 2 of them five times, and 1 patient, seven times. The gestational ages of the 218 fetuses ranged from 5 days to 19 weeks, 2 days. When the distribution of fetal doses was analyzed in terms of gestational age, it was seen that 103 pregnant women were in weeks 0–4 of their pregnancies, 89 were in weeks 5–8, 20 were in weeks 9–12, and 6 of them were in weeks 13–19. According to these results, 212 pregnant women (–97%) were in the first trimester of pregnancy, and 6 (–3%) were in the second trimester. Of these, 13 of the women who underwent examinations (24 cases) were aware of their pregnancies by the time they underwent the examinations. Some patients in the third zone were followed up by the medical genetic department at their request to investigate any adverse effects.