How Withdrawal Limit for my account is calculated ?
Membership is here with benefits!
For new members registered on or after May 25, 2016:
Your maximum withdrawal limit = Fresh deposits via processor x membership withdrawal limit %
Eg. John is a “free” member (no membership required for Starter level) and he deposits $100, then his withdrawal limit will be $300 ($100 x 300%).
For members registered before May 25, 2016
Your old maximum withdraw limit (prior cash purchases x 300%) will be carried forward plus the new membership % on fresh funds.
So the NEW withdrawal limit = Old withdrawal limit + Fresh deposits via processor x membership withdrawal limit %.
Eg. John had an account prior to May 25th. He had a maximum withdrawal limit of $5500.
John can add $100 (x 500%) up to the maximum of $6,000 if he needs to build his account faster, or he can withdraw $4500 until he needs to add fresh funds again.