Later, on the streets in front of the still smoldering Enforcer Headquarters, Feral confronted Furlong and Clawson. Furlong was visibly upset, and blamed Feral for the accident. Feral responded to Furlong’s insubordination by kicking both him and Clawson off the force, but not before holding them financially responsible for the repairs to Enforcer Headquarters. Tasked with running the Megakat City Military Salvage Yard, of which a portion of their salaries would go toward the cost of repairing the Enforcer building, Furlong and Clawson were effectively serving a community service sentence of “a thousand years.”
To add insult to injury, their new supervisors, dump truck operators Burke and Murray, would take every opportunity to harass the two about their former pilot status. Upon seeing the large amounts of wreckage, Clawson observed that someone could probably build their own jet. At first skeptical, Furlong agreed with Clawson’s idea to get back in the air to take on Dark Kat and others, but this time without someone like Feral to get in the way