The Hound of the Baskervilles
Conclude the Story
It was a brightly day in the morning, in 1889. Holmes had a guest, his name is Dr.Mortimer. He came to request Holmes to detect the death of Sir.Charles Baskerville, who was his friend. He told about the curse of the Baskervilles that they was killed by the big hound. He was not believe all about the curse ;in addition, he thought that Sir.Charles Baskerville’s nephew , Sir Henry,was in dangerous.
Next morning, Dr.Mortimer and Sir.Henry came to meet Holmes again with two strange stories. First, he was received the warning letter to get away from Dartmoor. Second, Sir.Henry’s shoes had gone from his hotel ;moreover, it had gone just one of a pairs. After Dr.Mortimer and Sir.Henry had gone,Holmes and Watson followed them to the hotel. While they were walking along the street, they meet a man was looking at them. When they arrived the hotel, Sir.Henry found that his lost shoe had came back. Holmes suggested Sir.Henry to go to The Baskerville hall with Dr.Watson for it was easier to detect. When Sir.Henry and Dr.Watson arrived The Baskerville hall, they found that there are many polices around the village because a prisoner,Seldon, had escaped. the Baskerville hall had two servants , Mr.andMrs. Barrymore.
Next day, Watson went to the village, he met Mr.Stapleton and his sister ,Miss Stapleton. He wrote all about the Stapletons to Holmes. After that day, the Stapletons always visited Sir.Henry ;however, it seemed Mr.Stapleton wanted something from Sir.Henry. Sir.Henry was falled in love with Miss Stapleton,so he wanted to marry with her, but he was refused. Watson observed Mr.Barrymore’s behavior because he had saw Mr.Barrymore held a candle out of the window, it seemed the signal. Sir.Henry and Dr.Watson asked Mr.Barrymore
about his behavior , and found that he was helped Seldon ,who was Mrs.Barrymore’s brother. Sir.Henry and Dr.Watson followed him to catch him to the prison; neverthrless, Seldon had fell in the cliff before they arrived. Watson noticed that there was someone stood on the cliff, it seemed someone he knew. Watson met Mr.Frankland,he lived near the moor field and he had a big teloscope. Mr.Frankland told Watson that he had saw a man in the field and every day there was a boy gave him some food and a letter. Watson went to the field and found that a man who had stood on the cliff was Holmes. Holmes did not want his enemy to know he was there with Sir. Henry and Watson for it might hard to catch the enemy; moreover, he had already knew Mr.Stapleton was the enemy. In fact,
Mr.Stapleton was Sir. Henry’s cousin, he wanted to possess the Baskerville hall. His first plan was asked Miss Stapleton, as a matter of fact, she was his wife,to marry with Sir.Charles, but she refused. So, he had killed Sir.Charles by used the hound, is also was the curse of the Baskervilles. Mr.Stapleton tried to kill Sir. Henry in the same way, he had steal Sir. Henry’s shoe for the hound could remembered its smell. The cause of Seldon’s death was he wore Sir. Henry’s clothes. When Holmes went to catch Mr.Stapleton, he had already escaped, and fell in the Great Grimpen Mire.