Currently popular is the concept of
integrated marketing communications (IMC).
This is the coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues
and sources within a company into a seamless programme of marketing communications activities. The intention of IMC is to maximize the impact on consumers or business customers and other target audiences, at minimal cost. IMC avoids the waste
and duplication inherent in some organizations in which each element of the promotional mix is controlled by separate managers and may even be executed through different external agencies. There is nothing worse than when an advertising campaign on
radio created by one agency has little resemblance to a television campaign running at
the same time, and created by another advertising agency. This is often compounded
by the public relations, sponsorship, packaging and sales promotions being implemented by yet more agencies in a poorly coordinated fashion. On one occasion, five different agencies were developing marketing communications for market-leading Gordon’s
Gin, each using different shades of green–the brand’s famous identity–and adopting various
typefaces for the logo.
IMC is the integration of the whole promotional mix, but also all business-to-business, marketing channel, customer-focused and internally directed communications. IMC as a concept is focused on complete coordination and harmonized execution of various campaigns across the
elements of the promotional mix. Rather than treating all aspects of the promotional mix and
internal marketing separately, often utilizing many different departments and external agencies
in an uncoordinated manner, the company instead opts to fully harmonize these activities. This
does not have to result in only one supplying agency being commissioned: coordination ensures
shared goals and common approaches to execution in a carefully scheduled manner. The benefits of IMC include greater clarity to customers, marketing channel members, employees and
suppliers, as well as reduced costs, stronger impact in the marketplace and more effective