Nuffnang is the world’s largest blog advertising community of more than 1 million blogs. We connect brands with an ever-growing online audience. We can run display banners on our exclusive network that serves up to 8 million impressions daily in the 7 countries that Nuffnang is in.
We also have the most popular bloggers in our network who can not only reach out to blog reading audiences but also to their followers on social media on the most popular platforms at the moment.
Nuffnang’s sister company, ChurpChurp, is a community of social media users which includes our Alphas who are social media’s key opinion leaders, leading the way in Beauty and Lifestyle.
ReelityTV is our production company, also sister company to Nuffnang. We specialize in video production for online content. What does that mean? We create videos for brands that are varied in style and sharable, featuring the most popular influencers on social media at the moment.
Your client is the distributor of Woohoo Nuts, who specializes in high quality nuts that are imported from California, USA. One problem is that his nuts are a bit more expensive than his competitors’. The next problem he has is that he has stocked his nuts to sell in 2 big supermarkets in Thailand but sales have been poor.
He is interested in targeting an audience who is looking for healthy snack to keep fit and people who love to eat nuts. Target audience is aged 20-40 years old.
Using the brief and background information provide a proposal presentation for your client and be prepared to present it to him.
Please provide your work in PowerPoint format with the following structure:
- Big Idea
- Timeline/Campaign Phase
- Proposed Elements
- Examples of Proposed Elements
- Costing