In this paper, the robust force control of a solenoidactuator is studied. Such control problem is of interest in thestudy of gear shifting control in electric vehicles (EVs) equippedwith an automated manual transmission (AMT). Experimentalsystem identication together with the nite element method(FEM) is the approach considered in this paper to modelthe dynamic behavior of the solenoid actuator as well as thesystem uncertainties. Using experimental system identication,a dynamic model of the actuator is obtained and a nonlinearalgebraic model of the electromagnetic force versus currentand air gap is proposed. Using the properties of the magneticmaterials and the geometry of the actuator, an FEM analysisis performed using MagnetR-Infolytica software- to obtainthe dynamics of the nominal system and verify the systemidentication result. Considering the inherent uncertainty of thephysical parameter involved in the actuation system as well asthe measurement errors, an uncertainty analysis is performedto obtain the dynamic uncertainty model of the solenoid system.Moreover, considering the application of such actuator in thegear shifting process, the closed-loop performance objectivesare dened with respect to the desired gear shifting quality.Knowing both the nominal system model and the uncertaintymodel, anH1robust controller is designed. The performanceof the resulting robust closed-loop control system is examinedfor the nominal and perturbed systems and is shown to satisfythe objectives