Soil moisture significantly affected the grain filling of wheat.
However, there was a significant difference observed for the responses
of grain filling of the two cultivars on the soil moisture
(Fig. 1, Table 2). Drought stress significantly affected the grain filling
of the superior grains and inferior grains of Xinong 979. The MD
treatment significantly increased and the SD treatment significantly
decreased the maximum grain weights and the maximum
and mean grain-filling rates of the superior grains and inferior
grains of Xinong 979 compared with WW treatment. Furthermore,
drought stress only significantly affected the grain filling of the
inferior grain of Changhan 343, and the drought had no significant
effect on the grain filling of the superior grains of Changhan 343.
The MD treatment significantly increased and the SD treatment
significantly decreased the maximum grain weights and the
maximum and mean grain-filling rates of the inferior grains of
Changhan 343 compared withWWtreatment. However, there was
no significant difference observed for the maximum grain weights
and the maximum and mean grain-filling rates of superior grains
among WW, MD and SD treatments of Changhan 343