It is advantageous to determine the location of a fault on a transmission line or a cable, as this is
extremely helpful in any maintenance or repair operation that may be necessary in the wake of a
fault. It should be recognized that distance relays may set a flag which indicates the zone in which
a fault is detected, but such a coarse estimate of fault location is not sufficient to be of help in
maintenance work. There are techniques for locating a fault, which depend upon the fault creating
a permanent discontinuity on the line, which can then be determined by subjecting the unenergized
line to injected traveling waves. By using the time for reflections at the discontinuity, it is possible
to determine the fault location. This type of fault-locating technique requires special equipment,
and is time-consuming and expensive to apply for all faults. It is usually reserved for underground
cables, where faults tend to be permanent, and the use of specialized equipment and the expense
are justified.